Kamis, 06 Desember 2007

The Return to Wellington and Goodbye to New Zealand

We returned once again to our friend Dan's in Wellington to pick up where we left off, namely hanging out with him and his flat mates on the back porch drinking wine and talking about American politics, religion, kiwi culture, and classic rock. It was great to unwind and have real conversations after feeling like complete tourists for so long. Thanks again Dan, David, and Shannon!

We ran into our second bit of nasty weather as we made our longest drive yet--Wellington to Auckland in 10 hours. Since we needed to be at the airport the following morning at 4 am, we decided to sleep in the airport--a mixed bag that made us long for the austere comforts of 'Delicious V.' We hope we'll only need to repeat this experiment in insomnia a couple more times in the coming months.

--K & D

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