Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Migration of the Blue Tiger

I was travelling by the City bus the other day when I noticed a swarm of butterflies in the traffic. They were flitting in the polluted air of the City Market, alighting on the windshields and then flitting away.The people in the bus were fascinated by the butterflies. I could not take a picture of them as I did not carry my camera:-( Later I came to know by a newspaper report that these butterflies were on their annual migration.The Dark Blue Butterfly, Tirumala septentrionis migrates every year westwards. Bangalore happens to come on the way of its migration.It overwinters in the forests of the Western Ghats, and migrates back to the eastern coast in summer.
I saw them later in my garden and also in the enclosure of the Forest department near my house.

The Dark Blue Tiger is a somewhat slow butterfly. It is presumed that its slowness is due to the poisonous milkweeds it had consumed as a catterpillar.

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