Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Blooming Friday- Viji's Garden

These flowers are from my friend Viji's garden in Mysore. The blue blossoms of the Thunbergia gladden the heart in the heat.
THe Thunbergia Mysorensis is blooming profusely.

These beautiful flowers are the blooms of Pandorea jasminoides. The pink blooms of this native of Australia are not common in these parts although it belongs to the Bignonia family.

The Lobster Claw heliconium has brilliant colours.

The orange blossoms of the Bignonia venusta are full of nectar and attract the birds and the bees.
All the photos were taken by Viji.
To see more pictures of Blooming Friday, please visit Katarina at Roses and Stuff.

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