Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Wildlife Wednesday

Vegetables seem to attract more wildlife than flowers. This catterpillar is making its way to the radish leaves in my vegetable patch.
This perfectly camouflaged hopping creature finds my chillies interesting.

The red ants love the mango tree, and the leaves of the Chalice vine . They use their saliva to stick the leaves together and build their homes. The clothes line goes from the mango tree to the Chalice vine. I see the busy red ants marching on the line at all times of the day, carrying things from one nest to the other. The presence of the ants in the mango tree is beneficial to me too, because the monkeys hate to be bitten by the ants. The squirrels seem impervious to ant bite.

I like the colour of this insect which often visits my mint patch.

The grasshopper loves to bask in the sun.
Since I don't use pesticides, these creatures seem to like my garden.

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