Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Flowers for Shravan

This is the Indian month of Shravan when the monsoon rains are most active. Most of the plants are concentrating on growing, but some plants show their flowers now. The Hoya Carnosa with its scented waxy flowers is putting out garlands of flowers in my garden.

This curious Sanseveria which a friend gave me, has tubular leaves. The white flowers are highly scented, but only during the night!
The Golden Challice vine is in two minds- whether to grow more huge, or to display more of its huge flowers.

Surprisingly, this pelargonium flowered during the gloomy days, bringing some bright colour into the garden.

This Euphorbia has not stopped blooming since January.
The Jasmine plants are just concentrating on growing bigger. All the jasmine blooms used in temples, now comes from Tamil Nadu, which has rains in December.
This is my entry for Flowers for Today.

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