Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Fertilizer Friday

The rains have played havoc in my garden, but now that it has stopped raining, plenty of new flowers are appearing.
This pink Angelonia has started to flower now. I planted a broken branch out in the open, and that is also doing well.

This Firespike is from a cutting I got from a friend. The rains have helped it to root and establish itself. It has also started to flower.

My Thunbergia mysorensis vine is putting out long chandeliers of flowers now. It was concentrating on becoming bigger and stronger during the rains.

The Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia reginae has also woken up from its slumber and putting out flowers now. The clump has become very big now .
My thanks to Tootsie at Tootsie Time for hosting this interesting meme.

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