Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

GBBD- January 2011

Welcome to the Garden Blogger's Bloom Day of January 2011. The red hibiscus has beautiful yellow patterns on it, as though someone has painted it.
The purple Angelonia is a new addition to my garden. The flowers have a fruity scent.

There are many shade houses on the road leading out from the city where beautiful , large gerberas are grown for export. My gerbera is not well formed and fat like those flowers, as this grows in the ground exposed to the elements, and is being fed no chemicals!

This delicate flower is pale blue, and it has a globular pink bract. My sister got it for me from Goa. The plant is still young, but is full of pink buds. I would like to know its name and history.

The needle like buds of the Ixora make an unusual pattern.
My thanks to Carol.
This is also my contribution to Katarina's Roses and Stuff. Thanks, Katarina.
I am also participating in Fertilizer Friday hosted by Tootsie at Tootsietime.

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