Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Today's Flowers #133

Welcome to Today's Flowers hosted by Santilli, Denise, Pupo and Sandy Carlson.
Today I am going to show the flowers of some of the fruit trees in my garden. The banana above has just come up with a huge flower, promising a big bunch later in the year.
The mango tree is flowering its heart out, although it is late this year. We can expect a bumper crop of mangoes this year. I hope they will all not be stolen by the time I come back from my summer holiday.!
The flowers of coffee plant were not pollinated last month when it put out its exquiaite flowers. It has come up with a new flush of aweet scented flowers. I hope the pollinators do their job now!

Have you tasted coffee flower honey? It is wonderful.

The Avacado tree has flowered for the first time this year. Avacado fruits are safe from predators like squirrels, monkeys and little boys from the village, because they are slightly poisonous before they are ready to be eaten.
To see flowers from all over the world, please click on http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com

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