The two best known flowering quince are Chaenomeles speciosa, Common Floweringquince and Chaenomeles japonica, Japanese Floweringquince. Both are cold hardy as far north as zone 4 or 5 which means gardeners who live south of Minnesota can grow them.
The common variety is native to China but was cultivated in Japan. Proven Winners released two new, low growing, varieties this year and both have double flowers.
Proven Winners, Flowering Quince, Scarlet Storm
The two best known flowering quince are Chaenomeles speciosa, Common Floweringquince and Chaenomeles japonica, Japanese Floweringquince. Both are cold hardy as far north as zone 4 or 5 which means gardeners who live south of Minnesota can grow them.
The common variety is native to China but was cultivated in Japan. Proven Winners released two new, low growing, varieties this year and both have double flowers.
Floweringquince is a woody shrub with a naturally rounded outline. Older plants can become unattractive if they are not pruned from time to time. Spring flowering shrubs are pruned right after the spring flowers fade. Unless pruned some varieties will become 8 feet tall and stop flowering.
Proven Winners, Flowering Quince Pink Storm
A flowering quince that has lost its form or stopped blooming can be cut to 6-inches above the ground to be rejuvenated. They can also be trained onto an espallier or thinned out to just a few canes to make a graceful form. In general, remove the oldest and largest canes first then stand back and look at the plant’s natural shape before continuing to cut.
The traditional quince flowers arrive by March in scarlet, red, pink, peach and white. In late January or February, budding branches can be brought inside and placed in warm water to bloom.
The seed pome that forms after the flowers fade resembles an apple and is about 2-inches long and wide. In October, the bitter fruit can be harvested and cooked. It is high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidant flavinoids. The new flowering cultivars are fruitless.
The adaptability of Floweringquince makes it a good choice for difficult places in the garden where the soil is poor or thin. They enjoy sun and will not flower if planted in shade.
Proven Winners, Flowering Quince Orange Storm
The common varieties have thorns and some gardeners find them useful as a hedge. There are several thornless varieties that are easier to keep pruned.
Floweringquince has had many names over the years. At one time it was Pyrus, then Cydonia and now Chaenomeles, a member of the Rosaceae family.
Here are a few of the 150 flowering quince varieties to consider –
Cameo – Double peach flowers, 5-feet tall, nearly thornless and disease resistant.
Contorta – White flowers on twisted stems that add interest to the winter garden.
Double Take Orange Storm – Orange flowers on thornless, 3 to 5-foot tall shrub. The flowers are double and resemble a peony or rose.
Double Take Pink Storm – Pink, double, camellia-like flowers. No fruit. Deer resistant.
Double Take Scarlet Storm – Large, dark red flowers on heat tolerant, 5-foot tall shrub. The three Double Take Flowering Quince are new introductions from Proven Winners. They were developed at the North Carolina State University Extension Service.
Jet Trail – White flowers on an almost thornless plant that grows to 3 feet tall and wide.
Moned – Bright red flowers on 8-foot tall shrub.
Orange Delight - Bright orange flowers on a low spreading 3-foot tall plant.
Texas Scarlet - An almost thornless 3-foot tall dwarf with tomato-red, profuse, flowers followed by fruit.
Toyo-Nishiki - White, white and pink, pink or red flowers all bloom on the same upright branches.
In mythology, quince was considered to be the Garden of Eden’s forbidden fruit. The Ancient Greeks and Romans dedicated them to Aphrodite and Venus as emblems of love. Widely cultivated by Romans and then Europeans, the fruits were prized for pie and wine making.
Fall is the ideal time to plant shrubs. White Flower Farm ( has the new Double Take varieties.
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