Senin, 28 September 2009

Flowers for Autumn

Those of us who live in the tropics are lucky to have flowers blooming throughout the year. After the untimely heavy rains, new flowers have started blooming in my garden. The flowers shown above are the lime-green flowers of the Shrimp plant Beloperone gutata.
The Begonia 'Dancing Girl' has started putting out exquisite pale pink flowers, which dance in the slightest breeze.

These are the lilac flowers of the Mexican sage.

The Spider Flower, Cleome is blooming profusely now. the yellow flowers at the back are the tiny flowers of Galphimia glauca.
Many other plants are getting ready to display their blooms, while some, like my chrisanthemums have found the rains too much and seem to be dejected.

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