Selasa, 01 September 2009

Pepper, the King of Spices

Pepper is the oldest spice known to humans. It is mentioned in Sanskrit texts written in 1000B.C.The name Pepper comes from the Sanskrit name. Pippali. It is the spice which made ancient European powers like Rome and Greece carry on trade with India. It was a medium of exchange. Originally from India, pepper is now grown in most of the tropical regions of the world.
Pepper is a vine, unlike cinnamon. I have made my pepper vines twine round my teak trees, but they are still small. These pictures are from my friend's garden. The berries are still green, and in December they will all turn orange red.The black pepper we use is the seed of the mature berry. The green berries are also used to make delicious pickles.
Wild pepper is very common in the rain forests of the Western Ghats. Besides extensive culinary uses, pepper also has medicinal uses. It is good for coughs and colds. It is also used in aroma therapy.

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