Jumat, 13 November 2009

Blooming Friday

This Blooming Fricay's topic is Winter Storage. What better than these bees who have started a honeycomb in my Amla tree? The beehive is the size of a Ping-pong ball at the moment. I hope it increases.
This plant in my school garden has put out tiny white flowers for the first time. The flowers have the fresh scent of oranges. Is it a Murraya? The leaves are thick.

The purple hibiscus has started flowering now. It is an old, native variety, which is not spectacular like the new hibiscuse flowers, but I like it.

The French marigold has no fuss. It flowers profusely whenever you plant it.

The Black-eyed Susan, Thunbergia alata is growing like a wild flower everywhere. It is a neat little vine, not invasive.
My thanks to Katarina at Roses and Stuff for hosting Blooming Friday.
My thanks to Totsie of Tootsie Time for hosting Fertilizer Friday.

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