Kamis, 26 November 2009

Thanks for Exuberantly Blooming Friday

When I see the riot of flowers in the gardens now, my heart is filled with gratitude to Mother Nature. The pink frilled Angels' Trumpets Brugmansia suaveolens in my garden are joy to see.
The Brazilian Red Cloak, Megaskepasma erythrochlamys has just started flowering. Soon, the whole bush will be covered with flowers.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Euphorbia leucocephala, is full of white bracts which look like snow flakes.

The native Snake Jasmine, Rhinacanthus masutris, is also flowering profusely now.

My Poinsettia is putting out a good show of bright red bracts.
There are other plants too like the Cassia and barleria which are flowering their hearts out. I feel so thankful that we have so much colour and warmth here now in this part of the planet.
Please visit Katarina at Roses and Stuff for more Blooming Friday posts.

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