Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Today's Flowers

Acampe praemorsa - the name of this wild orchid sounds like a curse from a Harry Potter book. The name has its root in the Greek'akampas', meaning rigid, which describes the flower. It is called "Maravante" in Kannada, which means 'Tree Woman' ! The flowers are small, and have tiger stripes, and are unbending, they have a delicate , heavenly perfume.
The rains have made the Blood Lily Haemanthus burst forth in scarlet feathery balls from all sorts of unlikely places.

The Malabar Jasmine is producing more flowers now.

The purple Passion Flower vine has climbed up the Sandalwood tree and flowering profusely at a great height.

The last of the pink hibiscus flowers before I prune the bush . The bushes will have a good vegetative growth during the Monsoons, and will be ready to display their splendid flowers in August.
My thanks to the hosts of 'Today's Flowers' for hosting the meme.

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