Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Wild Wednesday

Panther! It is a word that strikes fear in the heart of an ordinary city dweller. Panthera is the word used for the Leopard and the Tiger. But the butterfly shown above is the Common Panther found in the areas adjoining the Borivili National Park near Mumbai.
This is one of the orchids in Panther colours.

The Wild Jasmine was in full bloom, sending its subtle scent in the gloom. You can see the wild areas where the Panthera roam. Sometimes the leopards roam into the campus of the adjoining university.

A leopard cage ! I came across it as I was taking a walk in the wilder areas of the campus. The cage has two compartments. Whenever a leopard is sighted in the campus, this contraption is used to catch it. The bait is usually a stray dog . The leopard gets into the cage lured by the smell of the bait, and the trap door closes, and the panther is imprisoned. It can't eat the bait, which is safe behind iron bars! The forest rangers then take the leopard and release it in the jungles miles away.

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