Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Flowers for Today- Rainy day flowers

The volunteer red salvia is undaunted by the overcast days, and the nightly rain. It is a native of the Americas, which has made itself comfortable in the tropics of Asia.

Another hardy plant is Sanchezia. It has bright leaves with yellow markings , and the flowers somehow remind me of the tiger. But it is called the Zebra plant by some. This is also a native of Brazil.
Another flower from the Western hemisphere is this Barbados Bachelor's Button. I like the pretty violet colour, and its fruity scent when the leaves are bruised.

A native of India, this pink hibiscus flowers profusely throughout the year. It has long stems which can make it unsightly. There is also a white variety which is very popular for making a home made herbal shampoo.

The Chinese Hat , Holmskioldia is a native of the Himalayan regions of India. I saw these flowers on a hedge .
To see more flowers from all over the world, please go to

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