Selasa, 21 September 2010

Surfeit of Food

The Royal Palm Roystonea regia is a favourite among the gardeners of large gardens and parks. It is also called the Bottle Palm, as it gets a bottle shape when it matures.
The leaves are a glossy green, and the bark is a silky pale grey. The tree stands staight majestically, making it look regal. They are planted in the avenues in parks, giving the avenue a formal look. Its flowers are pale yellow and full of food for the bees, which swarm the trees which are in flower.

I saw this frond on the ground, into which the flowers of the palm were falling like gentle rain upon the place beneath. There were scores of bees gorging on the pollen of the fallen flowers too. These guys seem to be sleeping it off after a full afternoon's orgy of eating and drinking.

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