Jumat, 22 April 2011

Magical Bridge of Mawlynnong

The most magical place we visited during our trip to the northeast, was Mawlynnong village in Meghalaya , and the living root bridge near it. The roots of banyan trees Ficus elastica were trained to grow across a stream and form a strong bridge, on which we all walked.

The villages in the Khasi hills are connected by ancient pathways like the one above. Wherever there are streams, which invariably become furious during the monsoon season, the Khasis have constructed living root bridges.

Villagers wash their clothes in the stream, and vsitors pose for photographs on the bridge.

A Khasi girl carrying a load of firewood .

The brige itself is paved with flat stones so that you do not feel uncomfortable walking over it. It can easily take the load of 50 people at a time.

This bridge at Wahthyllong near Mawlynnong is said to be 150 years old. Unlike the iron bridges, these living bridges grow stronger with age. Some of the root bridges of the area are said to be 500 years old. Although these living root bridges have been in existence since 5oo years, it is only after BBC featured them in Human Planet that people from other parts of the world are visiting them. You can see more about the living root bridges of Meghalaya there.
This is my contribution to Weekend Reflections.

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