Minggu, 10 April 2011

Today's Flowers - No Fuss Flowers

The Franjipani has a mantid waiting on it to catch the potential prey. The flowers don't have nectar, but attract the pollinators by their colour and fragrance.
I am always surprised by the Pyramid bromeliad, Billbergia pyramydalis. It blooms whenever it likes, in all seasons.
The blue plumbago is coming into bloom everywhere. It is a no- fuss plant which blooms in all seasons.
The round, large leaves of the Caldwell lily are more attractive than the flowers.
The orange Barbados Lily is blooming in surprising corners of the garden. The bulbs must have transported themselves with the compost.

These are my contribution to Flowers for Today. I hope to come back from my holiday with lots of photos. You can see flowers from all over the world at http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com

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